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Issue 02

Online classes – heralding the long awaited revival

Among many things, COVID-19 has slapped priorities straight around the world and a lot of aspects that were formerly overlooked have now been thrust into the periphery of our conscience. The necessity for the education system to be prepared for unprecedented challenges like this one is one such aspect. In the past year, the education system in the country has survived what it has never as much as fathomed before – the complete absence of students in well furbished campuses, but the necessity to keep the routine intact without a hitch. The very idea of schools and colleges has been shifted from tangible space to a virtual space where the framework of educational directives was rickety, unreliable and in rural areas, unexplored. How the drastic transition from offline to online classes has shouldered the education system in the country from complete collapse is no short of a wonder.
A tiny ray of hope amidst the chaos has been the way education system has embraced technology and taken a leap ahead in terms of digitization. At this point, education has turned out to be the major element bridging the digital divide in India. Concerns ranging from network unavailability in rural areas to unaffordable digital devices came to limelight, bringing big and small patrons to the sector who have aided in empowering the digitization of education. Newer technology that facilitates mass dissemination of information and
quality content made accessible for reasonable prices are other notable developments. The internet has seen a drastic upsurge in usage
based on educational purposes which quite surely infers the colossal shift of the educational sector into the virtual space – thus redefining the traditional modes of teaching and learning. There is still a long way to go, but online classes that students have attended spread out on couches and munching on snacks have in fact heralded a renaissance. Online learning is here to stay; and with the right kind of visionary and inventive management aids, institutions in India can channel the change in order to catalyze the efficiency of the education system.

To the understated heroes, a very Happy Teachers’ Day!

‘Heroes’ are a vast and a diverse community. On the 5th of September we observe and celebrate the fulfilling position in the world named ‘Teachers’ who have been heroes of every social structure in more ways than we can count. In India, we observe Teachers’ Day on the birth anniversary of one of the most ambitious teachers the country has seen, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. The first Vice President of the country, he envisioned the establishment of a strong and progressive education system in the country which he believed would be the central element for all other forms of development. In memory of him and in recognition of the immense work done by teachers in edification of the society, the Education Ministry awards the prestigious ‘National Teachers’ Awards’ every year on 5th of September. This year, President Ramnath Kovind will be felicitating 44 incredible teachers from around the country who have accomplished great deeds in the field of education.

The importance of good teachers and the role they play in the creation of not just sturdy academia but a healthy social structure as well is often understated. We’ve heard it ample times that teaching is a noble profession, but we must also recognize that it is equally challenging and important – especially as teachers have braved the frontline in their own way during the COVID times. eGenius acknowledges the many ways that teachers make the world a better place, and wishes every teacher a very Happy Teachers’ Day!


Reader's Corner


Yuval Noah Harrari ventured into the entire past, present and future of humankind when he wrote ‘Sapiens’ and its sequels. He ventured and how. ‘Sapiens’ is a compendium that offers the ‘bigger picture’ perspective like never before in compelling, amusing language. It has been a worldwide bestseller since its release and continues to awe readers with its range of evolution to prehistoric, historic and futuristic coverage. What sets the human race apart from its contemporaries that it shares the planet with? How did man come from struggling to light a fire to ruling the world? Now that he has created a world full of stories, constructs, borders and agreements, where is he headed?
It’s a series of questions we do not ask on a regular basis but Yuval Harrari answers them to etching realizations. ‘Sapiens’ and its sequels- ‘Homo Deus’ and ‘21 Lessons for the 21st Century’ are ePatra’s recommendations for the episode.

Tangible literacy goals

The Education Ministry of India, with the implementation of the New Education Policy in 2020 has laid out a roadmap to fill certain striking voids in formal education in India, including the fact that 15 crore youngsters aged 3-22 are placed completely outside the formal
education system of the country. Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan recently published this data and mentioned that by the time India celebrates its 100th year of independence, this divide is to be completely bridged and the NEP lays down directive principles for the same.
Close to 35 crore youngsters aged 3-22 are enrolled in the different forms of formal education institutions in India, ranging from government and private schools, anganwadis, colleges and skill development institutions. The complete population of the age group in the country, however, is 50 crores which indicates that 15 crore of them do not have access to formal education whatsoever. The Education Ministry has claimed a target of the 100th year of Indian Independence for the country to encompass the complete population in formal education and achieve 100% literacy.


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