What is Demography?

Demography can be defined as a compilation of records about a specific group of people. eGenius as a Campus and Academic Automation System (CAAS) helps you to map the data pertaining to various groups of participants involved with your institution, majorly constituting information such as their name, age, gender, etc. that is required for various educational and related purposes. We provide the following demography services.

Student Demography

Analyses of demographics, perception, student learning, and school processes provide a powerful picture that will help the faculty understand the school’s impact on student achievement. The features that we provide in CAAS are as follows:-

  • Compile, process, and upload student data on our portal
  • Data stored securely while student confidentiality is maintained
  • Easy to review and refer to as and when required 
  • Access given to concerned relevant authorities 
  • Students as well as the authorities can have access to this data securely

Staff Demography

Staff demography can be defined as the study of composition regarding the social entity in terms of its members’ attributes. Demographics include factors such as gender, age, ethnicity, and martial status. The following are the features in CAAS that we provide:-

  • Under staff demography, we maintain a detailed record for all teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • Details included: name, credentials, qualification, experience etc.
  • Data can be integrated into our portal and can be retrieved whenever and wherever required

Management Demography

The human factor seems to gain importance in modern organizations, as entrepreneurs and managers face the challenge of numerous processes occurring in the socio-economic environment. Thus, apart from strategic management of human resources, it is necessary to take into account demographic aspects, focusing on actions aimed at reducing the effects of labour shortages in different age groups by analysing the age structure of employees or managing multi-generational working teams. With the help of CAAS, we at eGenius provide the following features:

  • Integration of all the important data concerning the management and the processes.
  • Becomes easier for the institution to function more smoothly and transparently.
  • All the relevant information related to members of the management, such as their designations and roles are aptly recorded.

Alumni Demography

The services we provide under this demography are as follows:-

  • Institutions that had students studying previously are recognised as their pride.
  • Illuminating achievements of alumni and setting them as examples, the students will be motivated to do more.
  • Crucial for all institutions as at any point in the future, any reference pertaining to the students will be sought through the school.
  • This gives a suitable and authentic citation and securely stores the data for review.


Pre-Admission is the process through which you register or book your seat in the respective college by paying and advance fee and sometimes without paying also.

  • This feature, enables those who are seeking to enroll in a course that is offered in your institutions to look into it through college gateway websites.
  • Course aspirants can redirect to your site and view more details about the required course and facilities provided.
  • Here we map about who, when, where and for what course did refer to your institution. 

eGenius can help institutions with robust attendance management systems. We offer a variety of solutions, and more than 300 institutions have already benefited from them. Please get in touch with us via our Contact Us page if you represent a college, school, or PU and would like to see a free demonstration of our services.

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